I had the very gradual onset of left elbow discomfort and stiffness starting over one year ago. I would have occasional soreness when working my German shepherds in obedience exercises or with certain aspects of my job as a medical transcriptionist. This was related to certain positions of my arm, usually rotation and elevation. I would treat this with naproxen for a few days and the symptoms would decrease.
I continued my regular activities. The discomfort worsened nine months ago with frequent stiffness and sharp, burning pain. I was having nightly pain and stiffness that would waken me from sleep. My arm seemed to get “stuck” either bent or straight, depending on how I was laying on it and it was extremely painful. When working the dogs, even small movements with my arm would cause a sharp, hot pain in the elbow. At work, it was difficult for me to lift or rotate my arm at all and I noticed that I was walking around holding my left arm to my body with the right hand. I wore an elbow strap on a regular basis as well as took anti-inflammatory medication regularly with no improvement in symptoms.
I was having so much pain in my elbow that I finally decided I could not live like this anymore. I told Dr. Gertel the pain was so bad that I was ready to have surgery if that was what it would take to fix this problem. I knew he was doing a new procedure with injecting platelets into the elbow and, when he asked if I would consider this, I was absolutely ready to try this.
Dr. Gertel did the procedure right in the office. He drew blood out of my right arm and this was put in a centrifuge in the exam room. After 15 minutes, Dr. Gertel injected the platelets into my left elbow, in the area where I had indicated it was the most sore. It was all painless, and the entire procedure took about a half hour total.
I took it easy for a few days, to give it a chance to work. I think I started noticing improvement in my symptoms about a week to 10 days after the procedure. Within a month, I was so much more comfortable with a lot less elbow pain. I was doing all of my regular activities at work and training the dogs. It felt so good to be able to use my left arm with no pain and I was sleeping through the night. It has been five months since the procedure and, aside from one episode of slight discomfort because of overuse, my elbow is pain-free.
I tell everyone how well this procedure worked for me and would wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone who, after having tried other treatment, is still experiencing pain and stiffness in their elbow.
Sandy S.